Huntsville, AL
This unique home was designed with a heavy Frank Lloyd Wright influence and Bostick Landscape Architects (BLA) incorporated a Prairie Style garden to match the central plains design philosophy. Guests can find horizontal features throughout the hardscape as well as the plantings. A limited turf area creates beautiful prairie plantings of grasses and perennials across the site.
Traditional prairie style plantings of Witch Hazel and Eastern Red Cedar complement the residence and provide screening from areas of the house to the busy road. Native serviceberry trees and other fruiting plants provide a birding sanctuary. The pathways throughout the garden are flagstone pieces mortared into place.

BLA worked with the architect to design structural walls with distinct horizontal levels as they step down. BLA created a gas fire pit in brick as a nod to Jens Jensen's council rings that many of his designs featured. Poured in place concrete steps to a future parking pad bring the historic horizontal application into a contemporary setting providing a quick and safe way to the street without having to walk up the drive.